
Produce, Broadcast, Track, Mix, Master and Publish

The recording / tracking session is focused on capturing the best performance and sound for your project.  We can record everything live or in segments.

The mixing session is focused on adding to the unique characteristics to the instruments by using compressors, EQ’s, delays, reverbs and other sound effects. to create the desired overall sonic landscape and auditory stimulation.

Once your songs have been compiled and recorded, it may need some additional mastering to round out the dynamic range, evaluate frequency spectrum  and test overall sonic painting on various speakers and headphones.

We have a dedicated streaming workstation to broadcast your performance live in real-time on our website to your audience and friends.

Open 24/7, Ground Floor, Private Entrances, Vocal Booth, Custom Drum Loft, PA System, Bass & Guitar Amps, Various Acoustic Instruments, Microphones, Mac Computers, Pro Tools Editing Workstations, Streaming Services, Secure Network, Projector and Large Screen, Rooftop, CNC machine, Indoor Garden, Outdoor Area, Steps from Dekalb Ave. L Train Stop, Free Street Parking.

